My Vision and Mission
I specialize in working with nurses and other health professionals who want to reduce burnout, pessimism, and compassion fatigue so they can become a successful entrepreneur to reclaim the love they have for their profession and live a fulfilling and prosperous life.
My vision is for nurses to reclaim the love they have for their profession.
My mission is for you to own your seat at the table of nurse entrepreneurship, gaining confidence, skills, and freedom to live your life on your own terms. You will dream big and expand your consciousness as an entrepreneur.
Providing a clear path business success. Helping nurses more easily transition from the bedside employee to business BOSS!
Throughout the years, I’ve earned a reputation for being one of the best consultants in the Indiana area in the field of nursing. As a legal nurse consultant, I have worked with firms in Indiana,Michigan, and Kentucky. I have advised clients in business development in Indiana and Illinois. The interests of my clients are always my first priority, and I go above and beyond to make sure they get the results they need. Whether you’re about to launch a new project, need advice on expanding your business, or would like a timely tip on matters big or small - I’m your go-to source. Contact me today to set up a meeting and find out more about what I can do for you.
The Nurse Shark Academy...Experts in Nursing, Experts in Business
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