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The Power of Vision

I am continuing a series for our newsletter to include a leadership topic along with passing along news in the nursing community. I wanted to focus on the positive in nursing and leadership. Subscribe to receive notification when our newsletter comes out. We publish twice a month.

Proverbs 29: 18a “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (KJV). In another translation, it reads “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint” (NIV). The knowledge that is revealed to a leader is often in the form of vision. Those who are truly visionary ask more questions and seek solutions to the problems in front of us. Visionaries see beyond the minutiae to the wide expanse in front of them. I am a big fan of Star Trek, both OG and TNG. I love the way how at the beginning of TNG, Captain Picard says, “its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before!” That is visionary. To seek out new adventures. To go where no one has gone before!

John Maxwell wrote in Leadership 101, “Vision is everything for a leader. It is utterly indispensable. Why? Because vision leads the leader. It paints the target…True vision is far-reaching. It goes beyond what one individual can accomplish. And if it’s of real value, it does more than just include others; it adds value to them. If you have a vision that doesn’t serve others; it’s probably too small.” This is something watching Star Trek has taught me. For the mission to be accomplished, everyone had to work together and believe in the vision. Can you imagine the disaster it would have been if the crew didn’t trust the captain or had decided to run their own mission? “I want to go Starvos 5 (made up name) to save a colony from destruction as their sun is collapsing” says Picard. Riker says, “No, we are supposed to go to Risa (real name) because the staff wants some R&R.” Yeah, that would not have worked at all. It is because the mission that clarity of vision is critical. Where are you in your vision?

If we are limited in our vision, we will be limited in our life. “Vision is where we see ourselves in the future, our ideal self. Vision has no boundaries, no expectations, or limitations. Vision has no finish line!” (Scott Scantlin, The Relevance Gap). Where do you see yourself in the future? Can you dream like you are on the Starship Enterprise with the vastness of space in front of you? Where would you go? What would it take to get there? Are there obstacles along the way and how would you overcome them? I have a vision as well. I see millions of nurses taking the helm, steering their way into their entrepreneurial future, solving the problems of the world. My vision is bigger than just me. It will take all of us to work together to create a better future for our profession. I see new nurses entering the profession with the notion that it is just as likely that they will invent some life saving device, build a company and change the world as it is that they will be there to hold someone’s hand when they are leaving this world. It does not have to be either-or; it can be both. You can be a nurse and a CEO. You can start that PICC line and pitch your idea for a better fall prevention device. What’s your vision?

Nursing News

We just celebrated International Nurses Day. The theme was "Our Nurses. Our Future." The day celebrates nurses everywhere and honors the birthday of Florence Nightingale. It is never to late to thank a nurse. Send a note, a small gift, or flowers. Thank the nurses in your life. Comment below.

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